LDAP Feature for the Remote Console Switch 210
Does the login to the Remote Console
Switch using Active Directory work in
mixed mode (that is, the domain
controllers in the forest run different
operating systems, such as Microsoft
Windows NT
4.0, Windows 2000, or
Windows Server 2003)?
Yes. In mixed mode, all objects used
by the Remote Console Switch
querying process (among user, SIP
Device Object, and Association
Object) have to be in the same
The Dell-extended Active Directory
Users and Computers snap-in checks
the mode and limits users in order to
create objects across domains if in
mixed mode.
Does using the Remote Console Switch
with Active Directory support multiple
domain environments?
Yes. The domain forest function level
must be in Native mode or Windows
2003 mode. In addition, the groups
among Association Object, Remote
Console Switch user objects, and SIP
Device Objects (including Association
Object) must be universal groups.
Can these Dell-extended objects (Dell
Association Object, Dell Remote
Console Switch Device, and Dell
Privilege Object) be in different
The Association Object and the
Privilege Object must be in the same
domain. The Dell-extended Active
Directory Users and Computers snap-
in forces you to create these two
objects in the same domain. Other
objects can be in different domains.
Are there any restrictions on Domain
Controller SSL configuration?
Yes. All Active Directory servers’ SSL
certificates in the forest must be
signed by the same root CA since
Remote Console Switch only allows
uploading one trusted CA SSL