Information Update 5
NIC Teaming Limitations
If you configure the baseboard management controller (BMC) to access the system using the first
integrated NIC (NIC1), teaming functionality and BMC functionality are affected in certain
situations, as shown in Table 1-2.
NOTE: To avoid false error messages, use only the Intel
NIC drivers provided by Dell.
Table 1-2. Effect of BMC Use of NIC1 on Teaming Functionality
Teaming Mode
IEEE 802.3ad and Ether Channel
Teaming Mode
Action Effect Effect
NIC1 allocated to BMC
before team is created
Normal teaming and BMC
BMC and NIC1 issue a warning
message about the loss of
management traffic in the event
of adaptive failover.
Normal teaming functionality.
BMC functionality may be
affected because of loss of
management traffic.
BMC and NIC1 issue a warning
message about loss of
management traffic in the event
of adaptive failover.
NIC1 allocated to BMC
after team is created
Normal teaming and BMC
BMC issues a warning message
about the loss of management
traffic in the event of adaptive
NIC1 does not display a warning
message but teaming functions
Normal teaming functionality.
BMC functionality may be
affected because of loss of
management traffic.
BMC issues a warning message
about loss of management traffic
in the event of adaptive failover.
NIC1 does not display a warning
message but teaming functions
NIC1 BMC access disabled
before team is created
Normal teaming functionality Normal teaming functionality
NIC1 BMC access disabled
after team is created
Normal teaming functionality Normal teaming functionality