Configuring the PowerConnect 3324/3348 Switch 53
To configure SNMP station IP address and community string(s):
1 At the console prompt, type Enable. The prompt is displayed as #.
2 Type configure and press <Enter>.
3 In the configuration mode, type the SNMP configuration command with the
parameters including community name (private), community access right (read and
write) and IP address, as shown in the example below:
console> enable
config# configure
config(config)# snmp-server community private rw
config(config)# exit
config# show snmp
Community-String Community-Access IP address
-------------------- ---------------- ---------------
private readWrite
Traps are enabled.
Authentication-failure trap is enabled.
Trap-Rec-Address Trap-Rec-Community Version
---------------- -------------------- -------
System Contact:
System Location:
This completes the initial configuration of the device from a local terminal. The configured
parameters enable further device configuration from any remote location.
Advanced Configuration
This chapter contains information about dynamic allocation of IP addresses and security
management based on the AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting)
mechanism. The chapter includes the following topics:
• Configuring IP Addresses through DHCP.
• Configuring IP Addresses through BOOTP.
• Security Management and Password Configuration.