Configuring Switch Information 207
3 Define the interface to which the ACL is attached in the Attach ACL to an Interface
4 Click Apply Changes. The ACL is attached to the interface.
Assigning ACL Membership Using the CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for assigning ACL
membership as displayed in the ACL Bindings page.
The following is an example of the CLI commands:
Console (config)# class-map class1 match-any
Console (config-cmap)# match access-group dell
Console (config-cmap)# exit
Console (config)# exit
Console # exit
Console> show class-map class1
Class Map match-any class1 (id4)
Configuring Ports
This section provides an explanation and instruction for configuring port functionality
including advanced features, such as Storm Control and Port Mirroring. To open the Ports
• Select Switch > Ports. The Ports page opens.
CLI Command Description
class-map class-map-name
[match-all | match-any]
Creates class maps and enters the class-
map configuration mode.
match access-group ACL name Defines the match criterion to classify
show class-map [class-map-
Displays all the class maps configured
on the device.