
30 Solution Guide
Appendix C: Sample Step-by-Step Management
Network Configuration
This appendix guides you through a sample management network setup with
the following parameters.
Redundant management NICs (on-board NICs)
Static address of ( gateway:
Host name of: EmbedESX1.VMwareFarm.lab
DNS servers: and 172.17. 28.252
Configure Redundant Management NICs
With the main management network screen displayed (see Figure 10),
scroll and select “Network Adapters”.
By default, the first LAN-On-Motherboard (LOM) NIC is automatically
selected as the management network NIC. This example configures two
NICs to help guard against loss of management network connectivity due
to NIC failure. Scroll to the second LOM listed (“Embedded NIC 2”) in
the list (Figure 19) and press the SPACE bar to select, adding an ‘X’ to the
box in front of the NIC. To maximize your redundancy, you may want to
select one LOM and one NIC port of an add-on Ethernet card.
Note the status of all NICs is listed here. This will help you determine
basic connectivity with your upstream switches; however, this status does
not imply connectivity at the IP-address level.
Also, note the relationship of the “Device Name” and “Hardware Label”;
the device name follows a Linux-kernel numbering schema by starting its
numbering at zero while the hardware label corresponds with the
numbering on the physical system, starting at one.