Appendix 91
South Africa (Johannesburg)
International Access Code:
Country Code: 27
City Code: 11
Technical Support 011 709 7710
Customer Care 011 709 7707
Sales 011 709 7700
Fax 011 706 0495
Switchboard 011 709 7700
Website: http://support.euro.dell.com
E-mail: dell_za_support@dell.com
Southeast Asian and Pacific
Customer Technical Support, Customer Service,
and Sales (Penang, Malaysia)
604 633 4810
Spain (Madrid)
International Access Code: 00
Country Code: 34
City Code: 91
Home and Small Business
Technical Support 902 100 130
Customer Care 902 118 540
Sales 902 118 541
Switchboard 902 118 541
Fax 902 118 539
Website: http://support.euro.dell.com
E-mail: web_esp_tech@dell.com
Technical Support 902 100 130
Customer Care 902 118 546
Switchboard 91 722 92 00
Fax 91 722 95 83
Website: http://support.euro.dell.com
E-mail: web_esp_tech@dell.com
Country (City)
International Access Code
Country Code
City Code
Department Name or Service Area,
Website and E-mail Address
Area Codes,
Local Numbers, and
Toll Free Numbers