Intel SpeedStep Enable or disable the Intel SpeedStep
Default: Enabled
Virtualization Enable or disable the Intel
Virtualization feature.
Default: Enabled
Integrated NIC Enable or disable the power supply to
the on–board network card.
Default: Enabled
USB Emulation Enable or disable the USB emulation
Default: Enabled
USB Wake Support Allows USB devices to wake-up the
computer from standby. This feature
is enabled only when the AC adapter
is connected.
Default: Disabled
SATA Operation Change the SATA controller mode to
either ATA or AHCI.
Default: AHCI
Adapter Warnings Enables or disables adapter warnings. Default: Enabled
Function Key Behavior Specifies the behavior of the function
key <Fn> .
Default: Function key first
Charger Behavior Specifies if the computer battery will
be charged when connected to an AC
power source.
Default: Enabled
Miscellaneous Devices These fields let you enable or disable
various on-board devices.
Set Service Tag
This field displays your system's service tag. If the service
tag is not already set, this field can be used to enter it.
Set Supervisor Password Allows you to change or delete the administrator
Set HDD Password Allows you to set a password on the computer's internal
hard drive (HDD).
Password Bypass Allows you to bypass the system password and the
internal HDD password prompts during a system restart/
resume from hibernate state.
Computrace Enable or disable the Computrace feature on your