Advanced Features 55
Jumper Settings
The following figure shows the location of the jumpers on the system board.
System Board Jumpers
NOTICE: Before changing a jumper setting, verify that the standby power
light on the system board has turned off. Otherwise, damage to your computer
or unpredictable results may occur. To locate this light, see "System Board
Components" or the interior service label.
To change a jumper setting, pull the plug off its pin(s) and carefully fit it
down onto the pin(s) indicated.
The following table lists the system board jumpers and their settings.
System-Board Jumper Settings
Jumper Setting Description
PSWD (default) Password features are enabled.
Password features are disabled.
RTCRST Real-time clock reset. Can be used for
troubleshooting. See "Reset Corrupted BIOS
jumpered unjumpered