
August 2005 Page 14 Dell Enterprise Product Group
Cisco IOS based switches may have the ‘desirable’ and ‘passive’ mode options for the LAG setting.
The PowerConnect 5316M does not support this implementation. Do not use the ‘desirable’ or
‘passive’ modes when configuring a LAG with a Dell PowerConnect switch. Only use the ‘active’
(for LACP) or ‘on’ (for static) modes.
Switches can only control the distribution of outgoing traffic on LAG ports. The PowerConnect
5316M has static distribution method based on source and destination MAC addresses to decide
which port or a LAG a packet will travel. For an in-depth discussion of this algorithm and network
design considerations, see the following article:
Cisco IOS and CatOS switches provide configuration options for changing the distribution of traffic
on LAG ports.
One of the following Cisco IOS command may be useful if poor performance on the LAG from the
Cisco IOS switch is observed. In the order listed, the commands will allow the user to configure the
switch to distribute packets to ports in a LAG based on: destination IP address, destination
Ethernet address, a combination of source and destination IP addresses, a combination of source
and destination Ethernet addresses, source IP address, or source Ethernet address.
3750(config)#port-channel load-balance dst-ip
3750(config)#port-channel load-balance dst-mac
3750(config)#port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip
3750(config)#port-channel load-balance src-dst-mac
3750(config)#port-channel load-balance src-ip
3750(config)#port-channel load-balance src-mac
One of the following Cisco CatOS command may be useful if poor performance on the LAG from
the Cisco CatOS switch is observed. In the order listed, the commands will allow the user to
configure the switch to distribute packets to ports in a LAG based on: destination IP address,
destination Ethernet address, a combination of source and destination IP addresses, a combination
of source and destination Ethernet addresses, source IP address, or source Ethernet address.
Cat_6509> (enable) set port channel all distribution ip destination
Cat_6509> (enable) set port channel all distribution mac destination
Cat_6509> (enable) set port channel all distribution ip both
Cat_6509> (enable) set port channel all distribution mac both
Cat_6509> (enable) set port channel all distribution ip source
Cat_6509> (enable) set port channel all distribution mac source