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Defining MSTP Interface Settings
MSTP Interface Settings
page contains parameters assigning MSTP settings to specific interfaces. To open
MSTP Interface Settings
page, click
Spanning Tree
MSTP Interface Settings
in the tree view.
Figure 1-35. MSTP Interface Settings
Instance ID —
Defines the VLAN group to which the interface is assigned. Possible field range is 0-15.
Interface —
Assigns either ports or LAGs to the selected MSTP instance.
Port State —
Indicates whether the port is enabled or disabled in the specific instance.
Type —
Indicates whether MSTP treats the port as a point-to-point port, or a port connected to a hub, and
whether the port is internal to the MSTP region or a boundary port. If the port is a boundary port, it also
indicates whether the device on the other side of the link is working in RSTP or STP mode.
Role —
Indicates the port role assigned by the STP algorithm in order to provide to STP paths. The possible
field values are:
abort Exits the MST region configuration mode
without applying configuration changes.
show {current | pending} Displays the current or pending MST region
Table 1-16. MSTP Instances CLI Commands
CLI Command Description