
Index 7
serial port connectors
location, 2-3
Serial/Infrared Ports Test Group
system diagnostics, 5-14
service, 11-1
installation guidelines, 8-5
installing, 8-7
memory module, illustrated, 8-5
removing, 8-9
supported types, 8-5
upgrade options, 8-5
single in-line memory modules. See SIMMs
small computer system interface. See SCSI
SMB connector
location, 2-3
list of, C-5
analyzing problems, 4-1
apparent malfunction, 5-10
device drivers, 4-2
does not recognize a port, 5-15, 5-16
error messages, 4-1
errors, troubleshooting, 4-1
input errors, 4-2
installing and configuring, 4-1
problems, 4-1
program conflicts, 4-2
spreadsheet or mathematical program running slowly,
using, 4-1
Solid Colors Test, B-1, B-7
technical, 11-1
about, C-1
illustrated, 2-4, C-1, C-2
location on system board, C-2
switches (continued)
settings (table), C-3
syntax errors, 5-14
See computer
system battery
removal, 7-9
system beep codes
list of, 3-4
system board
about, 7-4
connectors and sockets, 8-2, C-5
illustrated, 8-2
jumpers, C-2, C-3
location, 7-5
options, installing, 8-1, 9-2, 10-4
switches, C-2, C-3
troubleshooting, 7-15
system configuration information
about, 5-4
confirming with system diagnostics, 5-4
system configuration utility, 2-6
system diagnostics
See also troubleshooting
Diagnostics Menu, 5-2
Diskette Drives Test Group, 5-14
error messages, 5-10
features, 5-1
Keyboard Test Group, 5-13
main screen, 5-4
Mouse Test Group, 5-13
options for running tests, 5-6
Parallel Ports Test Group, 5-15
quitting, 5-8
RAM Test Group, 5-10
running, 5-1, 5-2
SCSI Devices Test Group, 5-16
Serial/Infrared Ports Test Group, 5-14
starting, 5-2
System Set Test Group, 5-10