NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the "Glossary".
System Board Labels
Table B-2 lists the labels for connectors and sockets on your system board and gives a brief description of their functions.
Table B-2. System Board Connectors and Sockets
Connector or Socket Description
AGP AGP graphics adapter connector
AUX LED Hard-disk drive access indicator connector
BATTERY Battery socket
CD-IN CD-ROM drive audio interface connector
DIMM_x DIMM socket
DISKETTE, DISK2 Diskette drive interface connector
ENET NIC connector
FAN Processor fan connector
IDEn EIDE interface connector
ISA1* ISA expansion-card connector
KYBD/MOUSE Keyboard connector and mouse connector (stacked)
LAN Wakeup On LAN card connector
LINE-IN Line-in jack
LINE-OUT Line-out jack
MIC-IN Microphone jack
MODEM-IN Modem connector
PANEL Control panel connector
PARALLEL/SCSI Parallel port connector (sometimes referred to as LPT1) and SCSI connector (stacked)
PCIn* PCI expansion-card connectors
POWER1 Main power input connector
RAID Optional RAID PCI expansion card connector extension
SCSI_NARROW Secondary SCSI connector
SCSI_ULTRA2 Primary SCSI connector
SERIAL1/2 Serial port connectors (sometimes referred to as COM1 and COM2; stacked)