9-12 Dell PowerVault SAN Administrator’sGuide
database disks. Having multiple copies of the LIC offers higher availability if a disk
module fails. The database disk modules have disk IDs of 00, 01, and 02.
A storage processorwith version 1.03 PROM code does not recognize Flare 5.11.
valid. As a result, a storage processor with version 1.03 PROM code is not a compati-
ble replacement for an existing storage processor that has been upgraded to Flare
5 .11.
When you install the LIC, at least two database disk modules should be operating and
online. If possible, all disk modules should be online. A disk module is online when it
is fully powered up with no errors and the disk module's state in the disk information
window is normal. If you try to power up the array without two of the database disk
modules in place, the procedure fails.
Dell recommends that you run the LIC update procedure from the server that is run-
ning Data Managed Node and that is assigned LUN0 for each PowerVault 650F and
NOTE: The following procedure assumes that the new version of the LIC is loaded
onto the server connected to the storage system. If the LIC update includes new
PROM code, the PROM code is automatically loaded with the LIC.
Before updating the LIC, perform the following actions:
• Stop all I/O requests to the storage system.
• If you are running MSCS clusters, stop the cluster services on both cluster
• Disable and deconfigure both the read cache and write cache before installing a
new version of Flare and PROM code. To deconfigure means to set all memory
partition sizes for array caching to 0.
• When you load the storage processor controller firmware update on your array
system, make sure that PROM code has also been updated on all storage pro-
cessors in the array. The PROM code is flashed on each storage processor only if
the Automatic Reboot option box is checked in the firmware download window.
• The LIC file must be on the C drive of the server connected to the array in the
Array List.
NOTE: According to the Microsoft online knowledge base, Article ID Q149984, you
cannot download firmware from a network-mounted drive because of issues related
to permissions and ownership of network mounts.
Updating the LIC on a 650F and 651F in a Windows
To update the LIC and PROM code, perform the following steps:
1. Open Data Administrator or Data Supervisor. For details, see "Running Data
Supervisor" in the
Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor, Event Monitor, and
Integrator Installation and Operation Guide