Access Read-only
Table 48. System State Cooling Unit State Details
Object ID
Description Defines the state of all cooling units in this chassis. The results are
returned as a binary octet string. Each byte of the octet string represents
the state of a specific cooling unit. The first byte returned represents the
state of the first cooling unit, the second byte returned represents the
state of the second cooling unit, and so on. The bytes have the same
definition type as DellStateSettings.
Syntax Octet String
Access Read-only
Table 49. System State Cooling Device State Details
Object ID
Description Defines the state of all cooling devices in this chassis. The results are
returned as a binary octet string. Each byte of the octet string represents
the state of a specific cooling device. The first byte returned represents
the state of the first cooling device, the second byte returned represents
the state of the second cooling device, and so on. The bytes have the
same definition type as DellStateSettings.
Syntax Octet String
Access Read-only
Table 50. System State Cooling Device Status Combined
Object ID
Description This attribute defines the cooling device status of all cooling devices in
this chassis. The results is returned as a combined status value. The
value has the same definition type as DellStatus.
Syntax DellStatus
Access Read-only
Table 51. System State Cooling Device Status Details
Object ID
Description Defines the status of all cooling devices in this chassis. The results are
returned as a binary octet string. Each byte of the octet string represents