
Additional Antenna Options
If you live more than 20 miles from an FM transmitter of
interest and you live in a wood frame building, consider
placing or mounting an FM antenna in the top of the build
ing (attic or crawl space). Run additional coax lead-in wire
to the radio. “Rabbit Ears” could be used for this purpose.
It is also possible to use an FM antenna designed for
outdoor use in an attic or crawl space. The performance
will not be as good as outdoor mounting but it will still be
much better than lower down in the residence.
The best overall radio reception can be obtained from an
FM antenna designed for outdoor use mounted on a roof
top. Some examples follow:
Winegard PR-6000 (length 33”, width 65”),
an directional antenna, good if all stations are in
roughly the same direction.
Antennacraft FMSS (max width 54”),
an omnidirectional antenna, better if the stations of
interest are located in widely dierent directions.
Am Antenna Options
The Wire Loop AM antenna included with the SoundWorks
Radio 820HD is a precise match for the AM tuner. The only
reliable way to boost AM signal strength is to place a tunable,
sympathetic booster antenna next to the Wire Loop AM
antenna. This type of booster antenna is passive. No wire
connection is needed. The dial on the booster antenna should
be adjusted for peak signal strength after tuning in an AM
Two models of this kind of antenna are:
Terk AM Advantage
C. Crane Select-A-Tenna Regular Model