Using Dell Printer Manager
3. Useful management tools
Click the Help ( ) button from the upper-right corner of the window and
click on any option you want to know about.
Advanced settings user interface overview
The advanced user interface is intended to be used by the person responsible
for managing the network and machines.
Device Settings
You can configure various machine settings such as machine setup, paper,
layout, emulation, network, and print information.
Alert Settings (Windows only)
This is menu includes settings related to error alerting.
• Printer Alert: Provides settings related to when alerts will be received.
• Email Alert: Povides options relating to receiving alerts via email.
• History Alert: Provides a history of device and toner related alerts.
Includes links for changing to the advanced settings,
preference, help, and about.
The button is used to change the user interface
to the advanced settings user interface.
Quick links Displays Quick links to machine specific functions. This
section also includes links to applications in the advanced
If you connect your machine to a network, the
Embedded Web Service icon is enabled.
Contents Area Displays information about the selected machine,
remaining toner level, and paper. The information will vary
based on the machine selected. Some machines do not
have this feature.
Order Supplies Click on the Order button from the supply ordering
window. You can order replacement toner cartridge(s) from