Once you have established a connection to the CMC, you can complete the initial CMC network configuration.
1. Log in to the CMC.
The default user name is root and the default password is calvin.
2. Type getniccfg and press <Enter> to view the current CMC network parameters.
3. Configure the CMC network settings:
– To set a static IP address, type
setniccfg -s <IP address><network mask><gateway>
and press <Enter>.
– To configure the CMC to obtain an IP address using DHCP, type
setniccfg -d
and press <Enter>.
The new network settings are activated in a few seconds after configuring the network.
Logging In To The CMC Using The Web-Based Interface
1. Open a supported web browser window.
For current information on supported web browsers, see the CMC User’s Guide at support.dell.com/manuals.
2. Log in to the CMC.
– If the CMC is accessed using a specific IP address, type the following URL in the Address field, and then
press <Enter>.
https://<CMC IP address>
The default IP address for the CMC is If the default HTTPS port number (port 443) has been
changed, type:
https://<CMC IP address>:<port number>
<CMC IP address>
is the IP address for the CMC and
<port number>
is the HTTPS port number.
– If you access the CMC using a registered DNS name, type the CMC’s name:
https://<CMC name>
By default, the CMC name on the DNS server is cmc-<service tag>
The CMC Login page is displayed.
NOTE: The default CMC user name is root, and the password is calvin. The root account is the default
administrative account that ships with the CMC. For added security, you must change the default password of the
root account during initial setup.
NOTE: The CMC does not support extended ASCII characters, such as ß, å, é, ü, or other characters used primarily
in non-English languages.
NOTE: You cannot log in to the web-based interface with different user names in multiple browser windows on a
single workstation.
You can log in as either a CMC user or as Directory Service user in Microsoft Active Directory or Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol Services (LDAP).
3. In the Username field, type your user name:
– CMC user name: <user name>
– Active Directory user name: <domain>\<user name>