Using the System Setup Program | 71
Token Setup Option Description
401C Redirection After BIOS POST
The BIOS console redirection, if
enabled, continues to operate after the
OS boot hand-off.
401D Redirection After BIOS POST
The BIOS console redirection, if
enabled, operates during the BIOS boot
only and is disabled prior to OS boot
off. See also tokens BFh, C0h,
D7h, 401Ah and 401Bh.
4022 Force PXE First
Whenever the system boots from BIOS,
the first PXE-capable device is inserted
as the first device in the boot sequence.
Enabling this feature causes the BIOS
operation to occur on the next and all
subsequent boots and causes a change in
the system’s
(unlike tokens 93h and 94h). The BIOS
chooses the first PXE-capable device as
the system’s onboard network controller,
if present and enabled, or the first
bootable network device found in the
system’s standard PCI search order —
whichever comes first.
4023 Force PXE First
Disable the PXE boot override and the
system boot sequence is in effect.
4031 Quick Boot Enabled, skip the system memory tests.
4032 Quick Boot
Disabled, execute the system memory
4033 Serial Port Mode
Console Redirection baud rate will be set
to 115,200 bits per second.
4034 Serial Port Mode
Console Redirection baud rate will be set
to 57,600 bits per second.
4035 Serial Port Mode
Console Redirection baud rate will be set
to 19,200 bits per second.
4036 Serial Port Mode
Console Redirection baud rate will be set
to 9,600 bits per second.
4816 Force PXE BOOT Only Disable Force PXE Boot only.
4817 Force PXE BOOT Only Enable Force PXE Boot only.