52 Preparing Your Systems for Clustering
Assigning LUNs to Hosts
If you have Access Control enabled in Navisphere Manager, you must create
storage groups and assign LUNs to the proper host systems.
Optional Storage Features
Your Dell/EMC CX4-series storage array may be configured to provide
optional features that can be used in conjunction with your cluster. These
features include MirrorView, SnapView, and SANCopy.
MirrorView automatically duplicates primary storage system data from a
cluster or stand-alone system to a secondary storage system. It can be used in
conjunction with SnapView and is managed from within Navisphere Manager.
SnapView captures images of a LUN and retains the images independently of
subsequent changes to the files. The images can be used to share LUNs with
another system without affecting the contents of the source LUN.
SnapView creates copies of LUNs using either snapshots or clones. Snapshots
are virtual copies that create an image of the source LUN at the time the
snapshot was created. This snapshot is retained independently of subsequent
changes to the source LUN. Clones are duplicate copies of a source LUN. You
can use snapshots and clones to facilitate backups or to allow multiple hosts
to access data without affecting the contents of the source LUN.
The source LUN and each snapshot or clone must be accessed from a
different host or a different cluster.
SnapView, which is installed on the storage processors as a non-disruptive
upgrade, can be used in conjunction with MirrorView and is managed from
within Navisphere Manager.
SAN Copy
SAN Copy allows you to move data between storage systems without using
host processor cycles or LAN bandwidth. It can be used in conjunction with
SnapView or MirrorView and is managed from within Navisphere Manager.