Menu Item Description
Port B Auto enables BIOS support for the device attached
to SATA port B. By default, Port B is set to Auto.
Port C Auto enables BIOS support for the device attached
to SATA port C. By default, Port C is set to Auto.
Port D Auto enables BIOS support for the device attached
to SATA port D. By default, Port D is set to Auto.
Port E Auto enables BIOS support for the device attached
to SATA port E. By default, Port E is set to Auto.
Port F Auto enables BIOS support for the device attached
to SATA port F. By default, Port F is set to Auto.
NOTE: Ports A, B, C, and D are used for the backplane drives, port E for the optical drive (CD/DVD),
and port F for the tape drive.
Boot Settings
Table 16. Boot Settings
Menu Item Description
Boot Mode Allows you to set the boot mode of a system.
CAUTION: Dell XC720xd supports only BIOS
boot mode.
Boot Sequence Retry Allows you to enable or disable the boot sequence
retry feature. If this field is enabled and the system
stopped boot operation, the system reattempts the
boot sequence after 30 seconds. By default, the
Boot Sequence Retry option is set to Disabled.
BIOS Boot Settings Allows you to enable or disable BIOS Boot options.
NOTE: This option is enabled only if the boot
mode is BIOS.
One-Time Boot Allows you to enable or disable a one-time boot
from a selected device.
Integrated Devices
Table 17. Integrated Devices options
Menu Item Description
User Accessible USB Ports Allows you enable or disable the user accessible
USB ports. Selecting Only Back Ports On disables
the front USB ports and selecting All Ports Off
disables both front and back USB ports. By default,