PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 203
IPv6 management features
• The size <bytes> parameter specifies the size of the ICMP data portion of the packet. This is
the payload and does not include the header. You can specify from 0 - 10173. The default is
• The no-fragment keyword turns on the "do not fragment" bit in the IPv6 header of the ping
packet. This option is disabled by default.
• The quiet keyword hides informational messages such as a summary of the ping parameters
sent to the device, and instead only displays messages indicating the success or failure of the
ping. This option is disabled by default.
• The verify keyword verifies that the data in the echo packet (the reply packet) is the same as
the data in the echo request (the ping). By default the device does not verify the data.
• The data <1 - 4 byte hex> parameter lets you specify a specific data pattern for the payload
instead of the default data pattern, "abcd", in the packet's data payload. The pattern repeats
itself throughout the ICMP message (payload) portion of the packet.
For parameters that require a numeric value, the CLI does not check whether the value you
enter is within the allowed range. Instead, if you do exceed the range for a numeric value, the
software rounds the value to the nearest valid value.
• The brief keyword causes ping test characters to be displayed. The following ping test
characters are supported.
! Indicates that a reply was received.
. Indicates that the network server timed out while waiting for a reply.
U Indicates that a destination unreachable error PDU was received.
I Indicates that the user interrupted ping.
SNTP over IPv6
To enable the Dell PowerConnect device to send SNTP packets over IPv6, enter a command such
as the following at the Global CONFIG level of the CLI.
PowerConnect(config)#sntp server ipv6 3000::400
Syntax: sntp server ipv6 <ipv6-address>
The <ipv6-address> is the IPv6 address of the SNTP server. When you enter the IPv6 address, you
do not need to specify the prefix length. A prefix length of 128 is implied.
SNMP3 over IPv6
Dell PowerConnect devices support IPv6 for SNMP version 3. For more information about how to
configure SNMP, refer to Chapter 40, “Securing SNMP Access”.
Specifying an IPv6 SNMP trap receiver
You can specify an IPv6 host as a trap receiver to ensure that all SNMP traps sent by the device will
go to the same SNMP trap receiver or set of receivers, typically one or more host devices on the
network. To do so, enter a command such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)#snmp-server host ipv6 2001:efff:89::13