support.dell.com Installing Cluster Management and Systems Management Software 7-3
Installing Dell OpenManage Cluster
Assistant With ClusterX (Optional)
After you complete your cluster installation, you can install Cluster Assistant With
ClusterX on your systems management console. Cluster Assistant With ClusterX is a
cluster management solution that is designed to provide setup, configuration, and
management of all Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS) clusters in your environment
from a single-management console. Some of the benefits of Cluster Assistant With
ClusterX include:
• Lower total cost of ownership by eliminating multiple administration steps
• Ease of administration by eliminating MSCS expert administrators
• Task verification for more reliability and elimination of administrator errors
• Comprehensive cluster control of clustered application programs and configura-
tion management
• Cluster configuration backup
• Simplified installation and replication of clustered application programs for
quicker productions
• Single view of all clusters in the enterprise for improved monitoring and
• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) enablement for cluster events on
cluster nodes
See the installation instructions included with Dell OpenManage Cluster Assistant
With ClusterX. Contact your Dell representative for more information about Dell
OpenManage Cluster Assistant With ClusterX.
NOTE: Dell OpenManage Cluster Assistant With ClusterX version 3.0.1 with Service
Pack 2 or later is required for Windows 2000 Datacenter Server support.