1-34 Dell PowerEdge Cluster F-Series SAN Guide
8. After you have configured all of the servers, reconnect all of the cables to the
PowerVault 65
F storage systems.
9. Turn on all of the servers, one at a time. Configure zoning on the Fibre Channel
switches. Each zone consists of a cluster pair (2 servers), the PowerVault 65
and the Fibre Channel-to-SCSI bridge (if that zone is participating in the SAN
See the Dell PowerVault SAN documentation for information about configuring
10. Start the Storage Consolidation Administrator on the Storage Consolidation
Master node. Use the Server Group Assign option to assign the current disks
used by the existing PowerEdge Cluster F-Series system back to both of its
nodes. Assign other disks to both nodes of each additional cluster.
11. Repeat the following steps on each node of the existing PowerEdge Cluster
F-Series system:
a. For Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition, select the Devices applet in
the Control Panel. Change the start-up setting for Cluster Disk from
Disabled back to System.
For Windows 2000, right-click the My Computer desktop icon, point to
Properties, select the Hardware tab, and click Device Manager. Click View,
and then select Show Hidden Devices. Expand Non-Plug and Play drivers.
Click Cluster Disk, and then select the Driver tab. Change the startup set-
ting for Cluster Disk from Disabled back to System.
b. For Windows NT Server 4.0, Enterprise Edition, select Services applet in the
Control Panel. Change the start-up setting for Cluster Service from
Disabled back to Automatic.
For Windows 2000, select Start, point to Programs, point to Administra-
tive Tools, and then point to Services. Change the startup setting for
Cluster Service from Disabled back to Automatic.
c. Reboot the node.
12. Shutdown Windows on all additional servers.
13. Install MSCS software on each additional cluster.
Since each cluster now has its own set of disks, follow the installation procedure
for a typical PowerEdge Cluster F-Series system installation (format the disks,
assign the drive letters, and install MSCS software, and so on).