18 Features
There are four power saving modes available:
No Power Savings
default mode
)—All power savings features are disabled.
Balanced Power Savings
—Spin down is enabled only for unconfigured and
hot spare disks.
Maximum Power Savings
—Spin down is enabled for configured,
unconfigured and hot spare disks.
Customized Power Savings
—All power savings features are customizable.
You can specify a Quality of Service window during which the configured
disks are excluded from spin-down.
Configured Spin Down Delay
NOTE: The Configured Spin Down Delay option is not applicable for the No Power
Savings mode.
The amount of time to wait before spinning down disks can be set using
Configured Spin Down Delay. The minimum value of the timer is 30
minutes (default) and the maximum is 1 day. Disks are spun down
automatically and spun up when accessed. All disks are spun up on reboot.
NOTE: There is a delay to I/O operations when a configured disk is being spun up.
Types of Virtual Disk Initialization
You can initialize the virtual disks as described in the following sections.
CAUTION: The initializing virtual disks task erases the files and file systems
while keeping the virtual disk configuration intact. Initializing a virtual disk
destroys all data on the virtual disk.
NOTE: The initialization operations mentioned here are not applicable for
Non-RAID disks.
Background Initialization of Virtual Disks
Background Initialization (BGI) is an automated process that writes the
parity or mirror data on newly created virtual disks. BGI does not run on
RAID 0 virtual disks.You can control the BGI rate in the Dell OpenManage
storage management application. Any change in the BGI rate does not take
effect until the next BGI run.