Appendix 85
AUDIBLE—Audible format is used for Audiobooks which can be
downloaded and listened to on your Dell DJ Ditty. When you stop
listening to an Audiobook and return to it later, it will still be at the same
ITRATE —A bitrate indicates the average number of bits in 1 second of a
digital audio track. MP3 encoders allow you to specify the bitrate when
making MP3 files. The higher the bitrate, the better the audio quality.
Unfortunately, this also means a larger file size.
IGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT (DRM) —A technology enabling the
copyright owner of intellectual property, like a digital audio track, to
control file usage. It is normally used to allow you to download digital
audio tracks while preventing you from distributing the files to other
people or other devices. With DRM, digital audio tracks contain digital
signatures. Your Dell DJ Ditty is DRM-compliant.
—Short for "Graphic Equalizer". Different settings will boost or
reduce certain frequencies and enchance the sound.
IRMWARE —The software in your device that allows you to perform
numerous functions including playing audio.
KBPS —Kilobits-per-second. A measure of how good the bitrate is. 128 kbps
is the standard bitrate for MP3 files. 128-kbps MP3s are near-CD quality.