Configuring System Information 169
Figure 6-53. TACACS+ Settings
The TACACS+ Settings page contains the following fields:
Host Name / IP Address —
Specifies the TACACS+ Server.
Priority (0
65535) —
Specifies the order in which the TACACS+ servers are used. The default is 0.
Authentication Port (0
65535) —
The port number through which the TACACS+ session occurs.
The default is port 49.
Key String (0
128 Characters) —
Defines the authentication and encryption key for TACACS+
communications between the device and the TACACS+ server. This key must match the encryption
used on the TACACS+ server. Check
Use Default
to use the default value.
Timeout for Reply (1
30) —
The amount of time that passes before the connection between the
device and the TACACS+ server times out. The field range is from 1 to 30 seconds. Check
to select the factory-default value.
Status —
The connection status between the device and the TACACS+ server. The possible field
values are:
Connected —
There is currently a connection between the device and the TACACS+ server.