Configuring VLANs 709
Configure the VLANs and Ports on Switch 2
Use the following steps to configure the VLANs and ports on Switch 2. Many
of the procedures in this section are the same as procedures used to configure
Switch 1. For more information about specific procedures, see the details and
figures in the previous section.
To configure Switch 2:
Create the Engineering, Marketing, Sales, and Payroll VLANs.
Although the Payroll hosts do not connect to this switch, traffic from the
Payroll department must use Switch 2 to reach the rest of the network and
Internet through the uplink port. For that reason, Switch 2 must be aware
of VLAN 400 so that traffic is not rejected by the trunk port.
Configure ports 2-10 as access ports and add VLAN 200 to the ports.
Configure ports 11–30 as access ports and add VLAN 100 to the ports.
Configure LAG 1 as a general port so that it can be a member of multiple
untagged VLANs and add VLAN 100 and VLAN 200 to the LAG.
Configure port 1 and LAG 2 trunk ports and add VLAN 100, VLAN 200,
VLAN 300, and VLAN 400 to the port and LAG.
Configure the MAC-based VLAN information.
If desired, copy the running configuration to the startup configuration.
View VLAN information for the switch and ports.