5. Enter any requested diagnostic parameters and click OK.
After the diagnostics have been run, FluidFS Manager will perform a Phone Home of the diagnostics
if the FluidFS cluster FTP server is enabled.
Launching the iBMC Virtual KVM
The iBMC (Integrated Baseboard Management Controller) virtual KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse)
allows you to view and manage the NAS controller console remotely over a network. If Dell Technical
Support Services needs to perform remote troubleshooting, you can make your system accessible to
them using the iBMC virtual KVM.
• To use the iBMC virtual KVM, you must use a computer with Internet Explorer.
• Before connecting to the iBMC virtual KVM, determine the iBMC IP address and password.
– To determine the iBMC IP address of the NAS controller:
* If the NAS controller is in standby mode (a NAS controller is on and in standby mode if the
power LED is flashing green at around two flashes per second), the iBMC IP address is
* If the FluidFS cluster is configured, the iBMC IP address is based on the NAS controller number:
For example, if the internal address range is, the iBMC IP address of NAS
controller 0 is, the iBMC IP address of NAS controller 6 is, and so on.
• To determine the iBMC password:
– If the NAS controller is in standby mode (a NAS controller is on and in standby mode if the power
LED is flashing green at around two flashes per second), the iBMC password is Stor@ge!.
– If the FluidFS cluster is configured, the iBMC password is synchronized with the support account
1. Connect a network cable to the LOM (Lights Out Management) Ethernet port on a NAS controller.
The LOM Ethernet port is located on the lower right side of the back panel of a NAS controller.
2. Connect a Windows client to the iBMC.
a) Connect a Windows client to the same network used for the LOM Ethernet port.
b) Set the IP address of the Windows client to match the iBMC subnet.
c) Open an Internet Explorer web browser. In the address bar of the web browser, type the iBMC IP
address of the NAS controller. The iBMC login page appears.
d) In the Username field, type ADMIN.
e) In the Password field, type the iBMC password.
f) Click OK.
The iBMC Properties page appears.
3. Launch the iBMC virtual KVM.
a) In the navigation pane, expand vKVM & vMedia and click Launch.
b) In the right pane, click Launch Java KVM Client.
The Video Viewer appears and displays the FluidFS cluster console.