Web Server Commands 1347
The following example enables the switch to be configured from a browser.
console(config)#ip http server
ip https certificate
Use the ip https certificate command in Global Configuration mode to
configure the active certificate for HTTPS. To return to the default setting,
use the no form of this command.
ip https certificate
no ip https certificate
— Specifies the certificate number. (Range: 1–2)
Default Configuration
The default value of the certificate number is 1.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
The HTTPS certificate is generated using the crypto certificate generate
command in Global Configuration mode.
The following example configures the active certificate for HTTPS.
console(config)#ip https certificate 1
ip https port
Use the ip https port command in Global Configuration mode to configure a
TCP port for use by a secure web browser to configure the switch. To use the
default port, use the no form of this command.