Configuring System Information 151
IPv6 Stateless Address AutoConfig Mode
— Enable or disable IPv6 auto address configuration on the
interface. When IPv6 AutoConfig Mode is enabled, automatic IPv6 address configuration and gateway
configuration is allowed by processing the Router Advertisements received on the management
DHCPv6 Client DUID
— This is a read-only field that contains a unique ID generated from the
MAC address when the DHCPv6 client is enabled. To get the value for this field, set the network
protocol to DHCP.
Change IPv6 Gateway
— Select this option to allow the IPv6 Gateway field to be edited.
IPv6 Gateway
— Enter the IPv6 gateway address (do not include a prefix). Use an IPv6 global or link-
local address format.
Add IPv6 Address
— To add an IPv6 address, select Add so you can specify an address in the New IPv6
Address field.
New IPv6 Address
— If
is selected from the Add IPv6 Address field, enter an IPv6 prefix/length in
this field.
EUI Flag
— Select True if the last 64 bits are to be derived from the MAC address. For example, you
can enter 2001::/64 and have the EUI Flag (True) use the 64-bit address calculated from the MAC
Displaying IPv6 Address Management Information
Open the
IPv6 Address Management
Show All
to display the
IPv6 Management Summary
Figure 6-31. IPv6 Management Summary
To remove an IPv6 Address, select the Remove option associated with the address, and click
Viewing IPv6 Management Information Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the
IP Addressing Commands
chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide
. The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands you