Getting Started Guide 11
Connect the female connector of the RS-232 crossover cable directly to the switch console port, and
tighten the captive retaining bolts. The PowerConnect 6200 series console ports are located on the rear
panel as shown in Figure 1-4.
NOTE: If you are installing a stack of switches, connect the terminal to the Master Switch. This switch will light the
Master Switch LED, the top left LED in the array on the front panel. When a stack is powered up for the first time, the
switches elect the Master Switch, which may occupy any location in the stack. If you connect the terminal to a member
switch, you will not be able to use the CLI.
Figure 1-4. Connecting to the Console Port
Booting the Switch
Make sure that the switch console port is connected to a VT100 terminal or VT100 terminal emulator via
the RS-232 cable.
Locate an AC power receptacle.
Deactivate the AC power receptacle.
Connect the switch to the AC receptacle.
Activate the AC power receptacle.
When the power is turned on with the local terminal already connected, the switch goes through a power-on self-
test (POST). POST runs every time the switch is initialized and checks hardware components to determine if
the switch is fully operational before completely booting. If POST detects a critical problem, the program flow
stops. If POST passes successfully, valid firmware is loaded into RAM. POST messages are displayed on the
terminal and indicate test success or failure. The boot process runs for approximately 60 seconds.