VLAN Commands 587
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC mode
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example displays detailed information for unit/port "1/g1."
console#show dvlan-tunnel interface 1/g1
Interface Mode EtherType
--------- ------- --------------
1/g1 Enable vMAN
The following table describes the significant fields shown in the example.
show interfaces switchport
Use the show interfaces switchport command in Privileged EXEC mode to
display switchport configuration.
Field Description
Mode This field specifies the administrative mode through which
Double VLAN Tunneling can be enabled or disabled. The default
value for this field is
Interface Interface Number.
EtherType This field represents a 2-byte hex EtherType to be used as the first
16 bits of the DVLAN tunnel. The three different EtherType tags
are: (1) 802.1Q, which represents the commonly used value of
0x8100. (2) vMAN, which represents the commonly used value of
0x88A8. (3) If EtherType is not one of these two values, it is a
custom tunnel value, representing any value in the range of 0 to