608 QoS Commands
cos-queue min-bandwidth
Use the cos-queue min-bandwidth command in either Global Configuration
mode or Interface Configuration mode to specify the minimum transmission
bandwidth for each interface queue. To restore the default for each queue’s
minimum bandwidth value, use the no form of this command.
cos-queue min-bandwidth
no cos-queue min-bandwidth
— Specifies the minimum transmission bandwidth for an interface.
You can specify as many bandwidths as there are interfaces (bw-0 through
bw-n). (Range: 0–100 in increments of 5)
Default Configuration
This command has no default configuration.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode or Interface Configuration (gigabitethernet,
port-channel, tengigabitethernet) mode
User Guidelines
The maximum number of queues supported per interface is seven.
The following example displays how to specify the minimum transmission
bandwidth for seven interfaces.
console(config)#cos-queue min-bandwidth 0 0 5 5 10 10
cos-queue random-detect
Use the cos-queue random-detect command in Interface Configuration
mode to configure WRED queue management policy on an interface CoS
queue. Use the no form of the command to disable WRED policy for a CoS
queue on an interface.
2CSPC4.XModular-SWUM200.book Page 608 Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:18 AM