VLAN Commands 723
User Guidelines
Commands used in the interface range context are executed independently
on each interface in the range. If the command returns an error on one of the
interfaces, an error message is displayed and execution continues on other
The following example groups VLAN 221 till 228 and VLAN 889 to receive
the same command.
console(config)#interface range vlan 221-228,889
mode dvlan-tunnel
Use the mode dvlan-tunnel command in Interface Configuration mode to
enable Double VLAN Tunneling on the specified interface. To disable Double
VLAN Tunneling on the specified interface, use the no form of this
mode dvlan-tunnel
no mode dvlan-tunnel
Default Configuration
By default, Double VLAN Tunneling is
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (gigabitethernet, port-channel, tengigabitethernet)
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
2CSPC4.XModular-SWUM200.book Page 723 Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:18 AM