Routing Information Protocol Commands 1213
Routing Information Protocol
The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) has been a long-standing protocol
used by routers for exchanging route information. RIP is a distance vector
protocol whereby each route is characterized by the number of gateways, or
hops, a packet must traverse to reach its intended destination. Categorized as
an interior gateway protocol, RIP operates within the scope of an autonomous
system. RIP is a simple protocol. Its usefulness is limited to moderately sized
networks whose physical interconnections are of similar type and speed.
PowerConnect routing supports RIPv2 as specified in RFC 2453.
Commands in this Chapter
This chapter explains the following commands:
Use the auto-summary command in Router RIP Configuration mode to
enable the RIP auto-summarization mode. Use the no form of the command
to disable auto-summarization mode.
auto-summary hostroutesaccept router rip
ip rip show ip rip
default-metric ip rip authentication show ip rip interface
distance rip ip rip receive version show ip rip interface brief
distribute-list out ip rip send version split-horizon
enable redistribute
2CSPC4.XModular-SWUM200.book Page 1213 Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:18 AM