
1. Ensure that the AC adapter is plugged in, the main battery is properly installed, and a network cable is attached.
2. Turn on the computer.
3. Select ® Places® Documents.
4. Create a new folder and name it BIOS.
5. Locate the latest BIOS update file for your computer at support.dell.com.
6. Click Download Now to download the file.
7. If the Export Compliance Disclaimer window appears, click Yes, I Accept this Agreement.
The File Download window appears.
8. Click Save this program to disk and then click OK.
The Save In window appears.
9. Click the down arrow to view the Save In menu, select Documents® BIOS, and then click Save.
10. Click Close if the Download Complete window appears.
The file icon appears on your BIOS folder and is titled the same as the downloaded BIOS update file.
11. Open the terminal command line application and proceed as follows:
a. Type sudo -s
b. Type your password
c. Type cd Documents
d. Type cd BIOS
e. Type ./1210a00
flash start... string appears.
The computer will restart automatically once the BIOS flash is complete.
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