6 Dell PowerEdge Cluster SE100, SE200, and SL200 Platform Guide
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack Support
Windows NT SP 6.0a or later is recommended for PowerEdge Cluster SE200 and
SL200 systems.
NOTE: Both nodes must be configured with similar drivers (NIC, RAID controller, and
so on), utilities (Dell OpenManage suite, PowerConsole, and so on), firmware (PERC
2/DC), and the latest BIOS for each system.
When planning for and testing your heterogeneous configurations, ensure that ade-
quate resources are available on the server node to run all of the application programs
on the cluster with fewer computing resources.
PERC 2/DC Installation
You must install the PERC 2/DC in a 64-bit, 33-MHz or 32-bit, 33-MHz PCI slot. For
your specific server system, see the PCI slot assignments in the following
Adding Peripherals Required for PowerEdge 2400 Cluster
WARNING: Hardware installation should be performed only by trained
service technicians. Before working inside the computer system, see the
safety instructions in your PowerEdge system documentation to avoid a
situation that could cause serious injury or death.
The following list provides PCI slot assignment information for buses, RAID control-
lers, NICs, and a DRAC 2.
NOTE: The PERC 2/DC comes fitted with an ISA retainer (the extension bracket at the
edge of the PCI card) to allow it to fit into a full-length ISA expansion slot. You must
remove the ISA retainer to install the PERC 2/DC in PCI slots 1 or 2 of the PowerEdge
2400. To remove the ISA retainer, use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the two
screws that fasten the retainer to the PERC 2/DC.
• PCI buses
— PCI bus 1: PCI slots 1 through 5 are 64-bit, 33-MHz
— PCI bus 2: PCI slot 6 is 32-bit, 33-MHz
• RAID controllers
— RAID controllers can be installed in any available PCI slot.
— If you use multiple RAID controllers and there are slots available, Dell recom-
mends installing the RAID controllers on separate PCI buses to balance the
load on the system.
— If you are not currently using a DRAC 2 and do not plan to use one in the
future, Dell recommends that you install one RAID controller in the 32-bit
slot, even if it is a 64-bit RAID controller.