Index 101
about, 67
cable configurations
cluster interconnect, 23
for client networks, 22
for mouse, keyboard, and
monitor, 24
cabling cluster hardware, 17
running, 78
about, 13
backup and restore, 67
cluster objects, 57
cluster resources, 60
components, 13
forming a new cluster, 59
joining an existing cluster, 59
verifying functionality, 53
verifying readiness, 48
verifying resource
availability, 53
Cluster Administrator
about, 55
cluster cabling
components, 17
one PowerVault 22xS cabled to
a cluster SE500W, 18
two PowerVault 22xS systems
cabled to a cluster
SE500W, 20
cluster configurations
active/active, 67
active/passive, 67
using non-Dell products, 72
cluster disk
reformatting, 82
cluster group
installing applications, 53
cluster mode
enabling on PERC RAID
adapter, 44
cluster networks
about, 57
configuring Windows 2000
cluster networks, 49
configuring Windows Server
2003 cluster networks, 50
cluster nodes
about, 58
replacing, 80
states and definitions, 59
cluster objects
about, 57
cluster resources
about, 60
adjusting the poll intervals, 64
configurable parameters, 63
dependent resources, 61
resource failure, 64
setting resource properties, 61
Cluster Service
uninstalling, 77
cluster storage
requirements, 12
PowerVault 22xS storage
systems, 39
connecting power cables to
PowerEdge Cluster
SE500W, 17
domain model
selecting, 31
drive letters
assigning to shared storage
systems, 46
dynamic disks
using, 45
se500wbk1.book Page 101 Thursday, June 16, 2005 4:19 PM