
Managing Bookmarks | 141
Step 3 Enter the domain name, IP address, or IPv6 address of a host machine on the LAN in the Name
or IP Address field. IPv6 addresses should be enclosed in brackets (i.e. the [ and ] symbols).
You may also enter the wildcard variable %USERNAME% to display the current user name.
Variables are case-sensitive.
Step 4 In the Description field, optionally enter a friendly description to be displayed in the bookmark
Step 5 Select the user permissions level from the Allow user to edit/delete drop-down list. You can
select Use user policy, Allow, or Deny.
Step 6 Select the service type in the Service drop-down list. You can select from the following
Terminal Services (RDP - ActiveX)
Terminal Services (RDP - Java)
Virtual Network Computing (VNC)
Citrix Portal (Citrix)
Web (HTTP)
Secure Web (HTTPS)
External Web Site
Mobile Connect
File Shares (CIFS)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Secure Shell version 1 (SSHv1)
Secure Shell version 2 (SSHv2)
The following sections provide additional details about adding the different types of bookmarks:
“Citrix Bookmarks” on page 141
“RDP ActiveX and Java Bookmarks” on page 143
“Web Bookmarks” on page 146
“FTP Bookmarks” on page 147
“SSHv2 Bookmarks” on page 147
Once the configuration has been updated, the new bookmark will be displayed in the Virtual
Office Bookmarks table. Click a bookmark description to go to the bookmark location that you
have defined.
Citrix Bookmarks
For Citrix bookmarks, you can select the following options:
Designate that it be a secure Citrix connection by selecting the HTTPS Mode check box.
Select Always use Java in Internet Explorer to use Java to access the Citrix Portal when
using Internet Explorer. Without this setting, a Citrix ActiveX client or plugin must be used
with IE. This setting lets users avoid installing a Citrix client or plugin specifically for IE
browsers. Java is used with Citrix by default on other browsers and also works with IE.
Enabling this check box leverages this portability.