Key Functions — Appears below the Options Field and lists keys and their functions within the active system setup
Use the following keys to navigate through the System Setup screens:
Keystroke Action
< F2 > Displays information on any selected item in the System
< Esc > Exit from current view or switch the current view to the
Exit page in the System Setup.
< Up Arrow > or < Down Arrow > Select an item to display.
< Left Arrow > or < Right Arrow > Select a menu to display.
– or + Change existing item value.
< Enter > Select the sub menu or execute command.
< F9 > Load setup default.
< F10 > Save current configuration and exit System Setup.
System Setup Options
Displays the computer model number.
Dell Bios Version Name Displays the BIOS revision.
System Date Resets the date on the computer's internal calendar.
System Time Resets the time on the computer's internal clock.
Processor Type Displays the type of processor.
Processor Cores Displays the number of processor cores.
Processor ID Displays the processor ID.
Processor Speed Displays the speed of the processor.
Processor Minimum Clock Speed Displays the minimum clock speed of the processor.
Processor Maximum Clock Speed Displays the maximum clock speed of the processor.
L2 Cache Size Displays the processor L2 cache size.
L3 Cache Size Displays the processor L3 cache size.
System Memory Displays the total computer memory.
Memory Speed Displays the memory speed.
Memory Channel Mode Displays the channel mode (single or dual channel).
Internal HDD Displays the model number of the hard drive.
Video Controller Displays the model number of the video card installed on
your computer.