Profile Name Description
Base Server and
Physical Asset
The Base Server Profile is the autonomous profile that defines the classes used to
describe basic server hardware and its related software.
BIOS and Boot
The BIOS and Boot Management Profile extends the management capabilities of
referencing profiles by adding the capability to represent the configuration of the
system BIOS setup and to manage the boot of the system.
CPU The DCIM CPU Profile describes the properties and interfaces for executing system
management tasks related to the management of processors within a system.
Ethernet Port The Ethernet Port Profile extends the management capability of referencing
profiles by adding the ability to represent an Ethernet port, its associated controller,
and Ethernet interfaces.
Event Filter The Dell Event Filter Profile provides the management capabilities to view the event
filters and set actions and notifications for the events.
Fan The DCIM Fan Profile describes the properties and interfaces for executing system
management tasks related to the management of fans within a system.
Fibre Channel The Fibre Channel Profile extends the management capabilities of referencing
profiles by adding the capability to represent the configuration of Fibre Channel
host bus adapters (FC HBA).
iDRAC Card
The DCIM iDRAC Card Profile describes the properties and interfaces for
performing system management tasks related to the management of basic
properties of iDRAC card.
DCIM_iDRACCardEnumeration class has attributes PTMode and AdminState to
support configuration of iDRAC Network Bridge in LOM-P2P or USB-P2P modes.
VNC server configuration is possible by setting attributes of Port, Timeout,
Password, Enable and LowerEncryptionBitLength.
DCIM_iDRACCardInteger has new attribute SMTPPort for SMTP configuration and
AlertPort and DiscoveryPort for SNMP configuration.
DCIM_iDRACCardEnumeration class has attributes PTMode and AdminState to
support configuration of iDRAC Network Bridge in LOM-P2P or USB-P2P modes.
Basic OMSA Equivalency: Some features (such as WatchdogResetTime
andLCLReplication) currently provided by OMSA is available on iDRAC service
module (iSM).
Job Control The Job Control Profile extends the management capabilities of referencing
profiles by adding the capability to create, schedule, track, and manage jobs that
represent platform management operations.
LC Management
The Lifecycle Controller (LC) Management Profile describes the management of
the Dell Lifecycle Controller and its configuration attributes.
The ExportCertificate() method is used to export unique generated SSL Certificates
from the Lifecycle Controller to a file in remote share location.