
Powerful Solutions for Digital Plants
MYNAH Technologies  504 Trade Center Blvd.  Chesterfield, MO 63005  Telephone 636 681-1555  Fax 636 681-1660
Specify 0 for DF1 with Full Duplex and BCC
Specify 1 for DF1 with Half Duplex and CRC
When using a 1770-KFC15 gateway device, use this
Extra Hop parameter to access the ControlNet address
of the CNB module. The DeltaV PSIC device address
must be between 1-50. This parameter has only the
following values:
1. 100 for ControlNet node in slot 0.
2. 150 for ControlNet node in slot 1.
3. 200 for ControlNet node in slot 2.
All other values will generate an error message. Please
refer to Allen Bradley 1747-KFC15 and 1770-KFC15,
Firmware Version 4.2 release notes for more detailed
ControlNet information.
4.2 Device And Dataset Configuration
The following paragraphs discuss some attributes in the device and Dataset
4.2.1 Device Address:
The device address attribute is located in the device configuration box under port. It is the
PLC/SLC node address, not the 1785-KE or 1770-KF2 communication module address.
This number is used by DeltaV to uniquely identify each PLC in the Data Highway Plus
network. The PLC node address is an octal-based number set with dip switches on the
PLC. Therefore, it needs to be converted to a decimal number in the serial card
configuration. For example, an octal address of 10 on the PLC corresponds to a decimal
address of 8 in the serial card. The acceptable address range is between 1 and 255.
4.2.2 Output Mode:
Two output modes are available in the driver: block output (0) and single output (1). In
typed or ranged transaction (DeviceDataType 4,5,8, and 9), the block output mode writes
the entire data block for every output data value change. Therefore, it is undesirable to
contain any foreign-device-controlled (device other than DeltaV) values within the block.
For example, if a PLC-5 memory N7:5 is written by a PLC-2, and user defines a Dataset
with a range of N7:0 to N7:10 in block output mode, an output operation will overwrite the
N7:5 with the value in the DeltaV database.
Single output mode allows individual value to be sent out, leaving other values in the
Dataset unaffected. In the binary file type, word value is treated as a single value. It does
not allow user to write a specific bit within a word. Therefore, the entire 16 bit will be
written when a single discrete output value changes. When communication with a PLC-5,
writing single bit values in a multi-bit Dataset can be achieved with Read-Modify-Write
(RMW) transaction (DeviceDataType 7 and 10). The RMW is used only with binary file
type and single output mode. Each bit can be set or reset within a binary file without