Refrigerant Discharge Temperature — This tem
perature is used by service personnel to analyze the
performance of the refrigeration system.
Ambient Air Temperature — If the ambient air tem
perature falls outside the acceptable range, the dryer
may fail to achieve the required dew point or dryer
shutdown may result due to high refrigerant discharge
Intermediate Air Temperature
This temperature is used by service personnel to ana
lyze the performance of the refrigeration system. Inter
mediate air temperature is displayed by putting
monitor in Scan mode, then pushing and holding down
the TIME ADJUST and CLOSED/OPEN buttons si
multaneously for three seconds. The intermediate air
temperature will be displayed for 15 seconds. The
digital display will then return to its last temperature
Intermediate air temperature varies with operating condi-
tions and ambient air temperature. Table VI lists approxi-
mate normal ranges of this temperature at various inlet
flows and dew point classes.
Table VI
Intermediate Air Temperature
(% of rated
33°F - 39°F
Dew Point
50°F - 60°F
Dew Point
80-100 35°F - 45°F 50°F - 60°F
50-79 45°F - 55°F 60°F - 70°F
25-49 55°F - 65°F 70°F - 80°F
10-24 65°F - 75°F 80°F - 90°F
No airflow 75°F - 100°F 90°F - 100°F
Based on 90°F-100°F dryer inlet air temperature and 100°F ambient
air temperature. These ranges are approximate and may vary with
Remote Alarm Contacts (Optional)
Dry (unpowered) contact including one normally open
set and one normally closed set are provided to signal
remote indication, if the CHECK OPERATING CON
DITIONS or SYSTEM ALARM indicators are acti
RS-232 Serial Port
The RS-232 serial communications port allows for
monitoring of current temperature and error flags.
Communication is via a series of ASCII characters
sent every second. The baud rate is 4800, 8 bits, no
Message format:
8S All Models
8S version:
“:” = colon character
“,” = comma character
<cr> = carriage return
<lf> = line feed
xxx = temperature in BCD, leading zeros are
suppressed (replaced with
spaces. Out-of-range values are displayed as
yy = alarm bits in ASCII HEX format
Each numerical temperature value is preceded with a
single alphabetic identifier:
I = Inlet air
S = Suction
D = Discharge
W = Water*
A = Ambient*
O = Operation
G = Glycol**
N = Intermediate**
* Water or Ambient is displayed, based on
** Intermediate or Glycol is displayed, based
on version.
The alarm bits are preceded with either:
L = Alarm bits
S = Service Due indication
The HEX characters that follow “L” or “S” convey an
eight-bit field which indicates the source of the alarm
or service due indicator. A value of all zeros (0x00) in
dicates that no alarm or service due condition exists.
8 Pyramid 8000
Series Purifiers (Bulletin 289)