Troubleshooting Guide 5 - 5
b) For Models LS1500 through LS2580
Removal of the Flow restrictor should not be done un-
less the piping to the Purge Exhaust Muffler is ad-
equately supported. Failure to do so may result in
serious personal injury and/or equipment damage.
1. Remove Flow Restrictor from the line and refer to the
Flow Restrictor Maintenance Procedure.
2. Disassemble, clean, inspect and adjust as required.
Replace all worn or damaged parts as noted.
1. Check for pilot gas pressure at off-stream chamber inlet
valve’s pilot tubing connection or on-stream chamber exhaust
valve's pilot tubing connection.
If pilot pressure is present, Shutdown and Depressurize
Dryer. Disassemble, clean and inspect the Switching Valve.
Replace all worn or damaged parts as noted.
2. Check indicator lights at solenoid block to determine whether
energized. Indicator light should be lit if the solenoid coil is en-
ergized. If not, open control enclosure and check MEC Board
for output signal to solenoid valve.
a) If voltage is present and the indicator at the solenoid block is
not lit, De-energize Dryer Power Supply. Press the
manual override on solenoid valve to determine if functioning.
If functioning mechanically, the solenoid valve coil is defec-
tive. Replace solenoid valve coil.
Note: The dryer MUST be depressurized to change coils on
a solenoid.
b) If voltage is present and the inlet valve doesn't open (models
OP-M15 through OP-M300) or close (models OP-M400 and
OP-M500) when overriding the solenoid valve, the solenoid
valve is defective. Replace solenoid valve.
c) If voltage is not present, replace MEC Board.
3. Shutdown and Depressurize Dryer. Disassemble, clean and
inspect the Purge and Outlet Check Valves. Replace all worn or
damaged components as noted.
Valve Failure Alarm with excessive pressure
exhausting through muffler. BOTH chamber
pressure gauges read below normal system
1. During Depressurization Cycle.
Off-stream chamber's Inlet Switching Valve
has failed to close due to fouled or worn
valve internals.
2. During Depressurization Cycle.
Dryer Models LS60 through LS1500
Chamber Inlet Switching Valve has failed to
close due to the associated solenoid vale's
(B or C) failure to energize.
Dryer Models LS2070 and LS2580
Off-stream chamber's Inlet Switching Valve
has failed to close due to the associated so-
lenoid valve's (B or C) failure to energize.
3. During Depressurization Cycle.
Purge or Outlet Check Valve internals are
worn, damaged, or fouled, permitting
"blowby" of on-stream chamber's pressure
(through faulty check valve) to the off-
stream chamber.