■ Wash fruits well and remove any bruised or overripe
portions. Peel if desired. Large fruits may be halved.
If pieces of fruit vary in size, they may be sliced
/4” to
/8” thick for more even drying. Smaller fruits such as
grapes and cherries may be dried whole. Remove pits
from fruits such as prunes, cherries, apricots, etc.
■ Fruits that have been artificially waxed to prevent mois-
ture loss should always be peeled. Peeling is optional
with other fruits. Dried pear skins tend to be grainy
and peach peels are a little fuzzy.
■ Most fruits can be placed directly on the drying trays as
they are prepared (such as pineapples, grapes, straw-
berries, prunes, etc). However, apples, apricots, pears
and peaches turn brown when the cut surfaces are
exposed to the air due to oxidation and the continuous
reaction of enzymes. These fruits may be pretreated to
slow this browning and prevent loss of Vitamins A and
C, but your attention is called to the cautions set forth
below which are for your protection. If you are drying
these fruits, and you intend to pretreat them, cut pieces
can be prevented from browning while they are being
prepared by keeping them in a holding solution until
you have sufficient fruit to pretreat or by vacuum sealing
Foods which have been dehydrated can be rehydrated in
water. It can be done in one of three ways: (1) Fruits and
vegetables may be soaked in cold water for 2-6 hours in
the refrigerator; (2) they may be soaked in hot water or
immersed in boiling water for 5-10 minutes until reaching
desired consistency; or (3) they may be rehydrated while
cooking. NO seasonings, salt or sugar should be added
during this process. Generally, 1 cup of water should be
used for each cup of dehydrated food. To stew dehydrated
fruits, use 2 cups of water and simmer until the fruit is ten-
der. After rehydration, foods can be cooked normally. To
avoid bacteria, rehydrated foods should be eaten as soon
as possible and uneaten portions refrigerated.
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