Troubleshooting Codes
1 No fuel. Add fuel.
2 Low oil. Add required amount of oil.
3 Pressure builds up after two pulls on the recoil starter or after
initial use.
Squeeze gun trigger to relieve pres sure.
4 Choke lever in the NO CHOKE position. Move choke to the CHOKE po si tion.
5 Spark plug wire not attached. Attach spark plug wire.
6 Engine ON/OFF switch in OFF po si tion. Place engine ON/OFF switch in ON position.
7 Choke lever in the CHOKE position on a hot engine or an engine
that has been exposed to thermal heat for a long period of time.
Move choke to the NO CHOKE po si tion.
8 Fuel valve closed. Move the fuel valve lever to the OPEN position.
9 Spray wand not in high pressure. See Spray Wand Nozzles under Operation.
10 Low water supply. Water supply must be at least 5 GPM @ 20 PSI.
11 Leak at high-pressure hose fitting. Repair leak. Apply sealant tape if necessary.
12 Nozzle obstructed. See Nozzle Cleaning under Maintenance.
13 Water filter screen clogged. Remove and clean filter.
14 Air in hose. Turn off the engine, then the water source. Disconnect the
water source from the pump inlet and turn the water source
on to remove all air from the hose. When there is a steady
stream of water present, turn water source off. Recon nect
water source to pump inlet and turn on wa ter source. Squeeze
trigger to re move re main ing air.
15 Choke lever in the CHOKE position. Move choke to the NO CHOKE po si tion.
16 High-pressure hose is too long. Use high-pressure hose under 100 feet (30.48 m). Lengthen water
supply hose instead of high-pressure hose.