© 2009 DHD Deubner Hoffmann Digital GmbH
Series 52 - 52/RX Mixing Console Installation Guide
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5.2.2 Power Consumption Example 2
An example of a larger console with motorized faders and a central TFT display can be found in the following. This console
includes six motorized fader modules 52-2029M and for each of these modules you need to calculate with 15W. Moreover
the central control module 52-2010 has a power consumption of up to 15W and the TFT display 52-4015A has a power
input of 10W. In total a power supply is need that provides 115W or more. In this case a 52-5083 power supply frame is
used, equipped with 200W 52-5048 power supplies and 52-5088 PoE switches.
Power consumption example 2.