redefines a call progress tone’s attributes cc_ToneRedefine( )
* table.
ie_buf.length = 3;
ie_buf.data[0] = 0x34; /* Signal IE ID */
ie_buf.data[1] = 0x01; /* Length of data in Signal IE */
ie_buf.data[2] = 0x04; /* Q.931 definition for Busy Tone On
signal value */
if (cc_SetInfoElem( tsDevHdl, &ie_buf) < 0) {
printf( "Error setting IE data : errno < %d\n”, errno );
exit( 1 );
if (cc_AcceptCall( tsDevHdl, 0, EV_ASYNC) < 0) {
printf( "Error sending Alerting message : errno < %d\n”,
errno );
exit( 1 );
/* Alerting message will generate a Busy tone, rather than a
Ringback tone. */
* Continue Processing
* Close the opened timeslot Device
if ( cc_Close( tsDevhdl ) !=0){
printf( "Error closing devicd, errno= %d\n”, errno );
* Close the opened board Device
if ( cc_Close( boardDevhdl ) !=0){
printf( "Error closing devicd, errno= %d\n”, errno );
/* Terminate the Program */
exit( 0 );
! !
If the function returns < 0 to indicate failure, use the cc_CauseValue( ) function
to retrieve the reason code for the failure. The cc_ResultMsg( ) function can be
used to interpret the reason code. Error codes are defined in the files ccerr.h,
isdnerr.h, and isdncmd.h.
Error codes from the cc_ToneRedefine( ) function include the following:
Error Code Description
ERR_TONEINVALIDMSG Invalid message type
ERR_TONESIGNALTYPE Invalid signal type