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WWhhaattss IInncclluuddeedd
150W Power Inverter Game Plate
(4) screws to mount Inverter Fuse ATC 10 amp
(4) Rubber Feet (4) screws to mount Rubber
(4) screws to mount Feet
Game Plate
PPrriinncciippllee ooff OOppeerraattiioonn
The inverter converts power in two stages. The first stage is a DC to
DC converter, which raises the low voltage DC at the inverter input to
145 volts DC. The second stage is the actual inverter stage. It con-
verts the high voltage DC into 115 volts, 60Hz AC. The inverter stage
uses advanced power MOSFET transistors in a full bridge configuration.
This gives you excellent overload capability and the ability to operate
tough reactive loads.