Watching TV
Watching TV
The Program Detail Screen
If you want to see more information than is presented in either the Channel Banner or the
Full Channel Banner, you can press the INFO button three times to display the Program
Detail Screen. The Program Detail Screen displays all of the information provided in the
Channel Banner and Full Channel Banner, plus complete details about the program and a
list of actions you can take related to the program.
To view the Program Detail Screen:
While watching a TV program, press the INFO button twice on your remote control. The Full
Channel Banner appears.
Press the INFO button again. The Program
Detail Screen appears.
Another way to view the Program Detail screen is to enter the Program Guide, highlight the
program listing you are interested in, then press the INFO button.
Program Detail Screen actions
In addition to a description of the program you are watching, the Program Detail Screen
provides a list of actions you can take related to that program. Here are descriptions of
the actions that might be available for a program.
not all actions are available for every program.
Back: Displays the last screen you viewed before entering the Program Detail Screen.
Exit: Clears the screen and displays the last channel you were viewing.
Buy $(Price): For pay per view programs, allows you to purchase the program.
Cancel $(Price): For pay per view programs that you have previously purchased but that have
not yet aired, lets you cancel your purchase.
View: Displays the channel airing the program described.
Schedule: For future programs, allows you to set your DIRECTV Receiver to remind
you when the program is about to start.
Unschedule: For programs you have previously scheduled for a reminder, allows you to
cancel the reminder.
Episodes: For programs broadcast as episodes, allows you to view a list of other
episodes in that program’s series.
Show Times: Displays a list of times and channels for viewing the program.
Similar: Displays a list of programs that have aspects in common with the program.
Finding out what’s on: the Guide
Your DIRECTV Receiver provides access to detailed information about TV schedules. If you
want to know what’s on, just use the Guide. The Guide provides scheduling information
for all types of programming.
The Guide is the most complete, detailed Guide type.
It lets you see the programs for each channel in a scrollable
schedule. If you don’t know what you want to watch, and
you want to browse a broad range of channels, the Guide
may be for you.
Actions list
Select this arrow and press the
SELECT button to scroll down.
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